No Money No-Vember

Make Mine A Builder’s!

Posted in Uncategorized by ksimsek on November 7, 2009

builder-selectedI woke up to find a box bandaged in yellow and black tape had been delivered to nomoneynovember HQ.

“What’s inside? A bomb perhaps? Or a wasp orphan that needs a mum?” I thought, sleepily.

Neither! It was a box of Builder’s Tea, a packet of chocolate Digestives and a Double Decker.

I can say after about 20 cups that this tea is as strong as a builder should be. It’s also a thoughtful brew as it has ties to the Federation of Master Builders, a trade association established over 60 years ago to protect the interests of small and medium-sized building firms.

If you have an interest in DIY (or perving on builders) then check out the Builder’s Tea website, it has a whole section dedicated to people whose heart skips a beat when they get whistled at by a middle aged man in a hard hat.